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Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question about the full range of services provided by Zaintronic Appliance Repair LLC which isn’t answered on this page, or you need additional clarification, please contact us today or give us a call. We’ll address your concerns.
General Questions
Yes, it is included in the overall cost of the repair as part of the itemized labor. Our trip charge includes the original and any future trips to your location, as well as the time involved in diagnosing your appliance problem.
In general, it’s far more economical and eco-friendly to repair an appliance than to replace it. Not only, throwing away an appliance creates waste, but some of the materials in these appliances can be harmful to the environment. Furthermore, it incurs additional costs of delivery and installation.
At this time, we can only give a quote for a repair after a technician has inspected and diagnosed the appliance in person. The only cost we can quote you before seeing and diagnosing your appliance is the trip cost, which is the one-time transportation and diagnostic charge.
When asking “How much is a new one?,” you need to consider both the quality of appliance you can afford as a replacement and the option of having your existing appliance properly repaired by a competent professional. Anytime Service can diagnose and evaluate your appliance to determine if it’s in your best interest to repair or replace it and make a recommendation accordingly.
Yes you can, as long as there is not a metal grid on the back of it. If there is, you should make sure you leave 1” of space between the unit and the wall.
Your washer is actually combining hot water and cold water to create the warm water and during certain times of the year cold water gets colder. So, during the colder months, you can expect your warm cycle to run cooler. You might also want to check to see if there is anything blocking the hot water coming into your machine.

Quick & Reliable appliance repair Services
Our friendly team is here to help you get your valuable appliances back to working order. So, if there is anything you need, don’t hesitate and contact Zaintronic Appliance Repair LLC or Request an appointment.